Category: Sleep Health

Do your patients need 7-9 hours of sleep?

Do your patients really need 7-9 hours of sleep?

In this video, integrative psychiatrist and sleep physician Nishi Bhopal MD explores whether we should recommend 7-9 hours of sleep to our patients, if meditation reduces sleep needs, and changes in sleep requirements and alertness with a regular meditation practice.

Why I Went Into Sleep Medicine

Why I Went Into Sleep Medicine

In this video, integrative psychiatrist and sleep physician Nishi Bhopal MD shares why she went into sleep medicine, some insights into sleep medicine fellowship, scope of practice of sleep medicine, career options, and why all doctors should learn more about integrative and clinical sleep medicine.

Sleep Restriction Therapy – Tips for Physicians

Doctors - you need to know about Sleep Restriction Therapy

In this video, integrative psychiatrist and sleep physician Nishi Bhopal MD shares how physicians, therapists, and healthcare professionals can implement sleep restriction therapy with their patients, how to talk about it in terms of time in bed restriction or sleep efficiency training, and 2 clinical cases where sleep restriction therapy was effective. Physicians can get CME credits for watching this video.

A physician’s story of overcoming insomnia and managing shift work disorder

How this ICU doc dealt with insomnia and shift work disorder

A physician’s story of overcoming insomnia and managing shift work disorder

In this video, critical care and sleep physician Dr. Alison Kole MD shares her story of overcoming insomnia and managing shift work disorder. She and integrative psychiatrist and sleep physician Nishi Bhopal MD discuss why Dr. Kole became a sleep doctor, her personal experiences with insomnia and how she overcame insomnia, her recommended tips and tools for sleep issues, tips for physicians to navigate shift work, prioritizing sleep as a physician, mother, and entrepreneur, clinical sleep tips for doctors to use with their patients, and about her podcast, Sleep Is My Waking Passion. Physicians can get CME credits for watching this video.

Treating Sleep Issues Without Meds

Treating Sleep Issues Without Meds

Exploring the Intersection of Lifestyle and Sleep Medicine with Dr. Michelle Jonelis, MD. Drs. Nishi Bhopal MD and Michelle Jonelis MD discuss treating sleep issues without meds, how lifestyle medicine intersects with sleep medicine, the role of CBT-i and important points to know about narcolepsy evaluation including the MSLT (multiple sleep latency test). Physicians can get CME credits for watching this video.

5 Sleep Disorders in Clinical Practice | Sleep Differential Diagnosis

5 Sleep Disorders in Clinical Practice | Sleep Differential Diagnosis

50 to 80 million adults in the USA have a sleep disorder, but they are often missed in clinical practice. In this video, Dr. Nishi Bhopal MD, board certified sleep physician and psychiatrist, is sharing 5 sleep diagnoses to look for in your clinical practice, celebrities with sleep disorders (see how many of them you know), and clues to commonly missed sleep diagnoses. Physicians can get CME credits for watching this video.

3 Quick Wins to Help your Patient Sleep

3 Quick Wins to Help your Patient Sleep

While improving sleep can take time, there are actionable steps you can take to help your patient get rapid relief of sleep issues. In this video, Dr. Nishi Bhopal MD, board certified sleep physician and psychiatrist, is sharing 3 quick wins to help your patient sleep better, including bedroom optimization, mild sleep restriction, and keeping a consistent wake time. Physicians can get CME credits for watching this video.

Blood tests and Sleep Rating Scales to Workup Sleep Issues

Blood tests and Sleep Rating Scales to Workup Sleep Issues

There are certain blood tests and rating scales that are helpful when working up and assessing sleep issues. In this video, Dr. Nishi Bhopal MD, board certified sleep physician and psychiatrist, is sharing how to use the Epworth sleepiness scale, STOP BANG questionnaire, and blood tests in your clinical assessment of insomnia, hypersomnia, and other sleep disorders. Physicians can get CME credits for watching this video.