Category: Productivity

Solutions for Zoom Fatigue

Solutions for Zoom Fatigue with Intrabalance Psychiatry

Dealing with zoom fatigue? In this video we’ll look at 7 tips and simple solutions to reduce Zoom fatigue. To all you doctors doing telemedicine, check this out – every video also contains a tip for doctors and healthcare professionals!

Why You Forget Things When You Walk Into Another Room

Why You Forget Things When You Walk Into Another Room

Do you ever walk into another room to get something, and then forget why you even went there? Or do you ever switch to another tab in your browser and then go blank on what you were about to do? In this video, we’ll look at why that happens and what to do about it.

How to Set Goals Effectively

How to Set Goals Effectively

Studies show that you’re 2-3 times more likely to achieve your goals if you make a specific plan to achieve them. In this video, we’ll look at two strategies to set goals effectively.

7 Tips to Increase Productivity while Working from Home

7 Tips to Increase Productivity While Working from Home

In this video, I’m sharing 7 practical ways to improve productivity, focus, and energy levels while working from home, and explaining the science of why these strategies actually work.