Tag: Videos

Are sleeping pills safe?

Are sleeping pills safe?

Sleeping pills are commonly prescribed for insomnia, but are they safe? In this video, we’ll look at the 3 most common types of sleeping pills, important side effects to know about, and what to do instead of taking sleeping pills

The Power of Gratitude

The Power of Gratitude

Gratitude is a skill that you can cultivate. Practicing gratitude regularly has so many benefits for mental health, physical health, and even relationships and work performance. In this video, we’ll look at the benefits of gratitude and 3 simple ways to bring more gratitude into your life.

How to Set Goals Effectively

How to Set Goals Effectively

Studies show that you’re 2-3 times more likely to achieve your goals if you make a specific plan to achieve them. In this video, we’ll look at two strategies to set goals effectively.