Tag: Videos

What is the Microbiome-Gut-Brain Axis?

IntraBalance, Integrative Psychiatry & Sleep Specialist in San Francisco, California

Did you know that you’ve got an entire ecosystem in your body? Traditional systems of medicine like Ayurveda understood the importance of gut health, digestion and nutrition on mental health. Modern science is catching up. In this video, we’ll take a closer look at the microbiome-gut-brain axis.

3 Common Cognitive Distortions & How to Reframe Them

IntraBalance, Integrative Psychiatry & Sleep Specialist in San Francisco, California

Cognitive distortions are thought patterns that can feed into cycles of stress, anxiety, depression, and insomnia. We all have them but they can be hard to spot if you don’t know what to look for! In this video, we’ll look at 3 common cognitive distortions and discuss how to challenge them.

Stop saying this…and drop limiting beliefs

Stop saying this...and drop limiting beliefs

Do you ever say “my anxiety”, “my insomnia”, or “my depression”? The thoughts and words we choose can actually make those experiences worse. In this video, we’ll look at what happens in our brain and body when we “own” those experiences and what to say instead.

4 Common Causes of Insomnia

IntraBalance, Integrative Psychiatry & Sleep Specialist in San Francisco, California

Difficulty with sleep and insomnia doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Figuring out the root cause of the sleep issues is the first step in getting restful sleep. In this video, we’ll look at 4 common causes of sleep issues.

5 Easy Breathing Techniques to Try Today

IntraBalance, Integrative Psychiatry & Sleep Specialist in San Francisco, California

The way we breathe affects how we feel. Breathing techniques are effective for reducing stress, anxiety, and panic. In this video, we’ll look at a few simple exercises that can drastically improve how we go through a situation.

Sleep issues? We can help

IntraBalance, Integrative Psychiatry & Sleep Specialist in San Francisco, California

At IntraBalance Integrative Psychiatry & Sleep, we specialize in getting to the root of cause of sleep issues, helping you find rest and restore balance. Holistic. Science-based. Personalized care. Proven results.