Tag: Videos

How to Get Deep Sleep

How to Get Deep Sleep

How do you get more deep sleep? In this video, we’ll look at some tips to get more deep sleep, starting by understanding what deep sleep is, how to know if you’re getting enough deep sleep, and then looking at a few tips to get more deep sleep.

5 Sleep Myths Debunked

5 Sleep Myths Debunked

5 Sleep Myths Debunked! Is alcohol bad for sleep? Is it bad to wake up at night? In this video, we’re busting 5 common sleep myths that you may have heard about or bought into!

How Sleep Works

How Sleep Works

Do you know the fundamentals of sleep science and how sleep actually works? In this Sleep 101 video, we’ll look at the fundamentals of how sleep works and how you can get a better night’s sleep.

How to Practice Gratitude

How to Practice Gratitude - Gratitude & Sleep

In this video, we’ll look at how to practice gratitude, how gratitude can help with sleep, and the benefits of gratitude for health and mental wellbeing. Calling all doctors: every video also contains a tip for doctors and healthcare professionals!

Idiopathic Hypersomnia (IH): Sleepy all the time

Idiopathic Hypersomnia Sleepiness - Sleepy all the Time

Do you feel sleepy all the time? It could be Idiopathic Hypersomnia (IH). In this video, we’ll look at the symptoms of idiopathic hypersomnia, causes, and a few treatments. Calling all doctors: every video also contains a tip for doctors and healthcare professionals!

How to Adjust to the Time Change

How to Adjust to the Time Change

It’s that time of the year when the clocks change and we “fall back”! In this video, we’ll look at how to adjust to the upcoming time change. Calling all doctors: every video also contains a tip for doctors and healthcare professionals!

How to Eat More Mindfully

Healthy Eating Habits

Eating hygiene is all about HOW you eat, and it impacts digestion, health, and can even impact your mental wellbeing. In this video, we’ll look at the basic principles of eating hygiene and mindful eating, and a few tips for how to eat more mindfully. Calling all doctors: every video also contains a tip for doctors and healthcare professionals!

World Mental Health Day 2021

World Mental Health Day 2021

October 10 was World Mental Health Day 2021? In this video we’ll look at why mental health is important, and some mental health tips and resources. Every video also contains a tip for doctors and healthcare professionals!